response to a petition to modify childcare expenses

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my ex is taking me back to court to modify childcare expenses. i pay child support and childcare expenses; however, i have no records that she has been paying a sitter and know she was using a family member that did not charge her for a large part after our divorce was final. she also has never provided receipt of payment to me in over a year per our decree. we also had verbal agreements that taxes owed by us< i would pay in instead of childcare for 3 months. i also believe her income has increased and she has not claimed company bonuses as part of her income for 2 years. She enrolled our two children in a daycare i told her we could not afford< i gave her alternatives and she ignored my request. now she is requesting a 214.
can i request a 214 stipulating that she provide proof of all said bonuses, W2's, and proof of all childcare payments made to the sitter along with receipts. Also, im representing myself prosee because i can't afford an attorney, isn't it common practice for her attorney to contact me to try to work out an arrangement prior to going forward with litigation?
Her income is not used to calculate CS in Illinois; it takes a straight percentage of the NCP's income so it really doesn't matter if she's earning $0 or $1m/year.

Yes, you can request receipts - but at this point it seems moot since the children are now actually going to a daycare center.
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