Responsibility for skunk removal after tenantsmovein

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New Member
This is a ine family home with an attached rental unit.

The front of the house has been sprayed by a skunk. It is possible the animal resides beneath the front porch of the rental area. The skunk has not been seen. One of the tenants has left the premises and given notice not to return until I ""landlord" have removed the skunk.we have worked most of the week removing the odor, I am however not willing to try to determine if the animal is still on the property.

Tenant has given a ten day notice that the exterminating co. Will be hired and the bill sent to me and she will not move in until satisfied. Both the other tenant and myself have been working on the problem as well as living on the premises. I have also been advised it is unwise to try to remove a skunk ar this time of year. The process would most likely make then situation worse.
This is a ine family home with an attached rental unit.

The front of the house has been sprayed by a skunk. It is possible the animal resides beneath the front porch of the rental area. The skunk has not been seen. One of the tenants has left the premises and given notice not to return until I ""landlord" have removed the skunk.we have worked most of the week removing the odor, I am however not willing to try to determine if the animal is still on the property.

Tenant has given a ten day notice that the exterminating co. Will be hired and the bill sent to me and she will not move in until satisfied. Both the other tenant and myself have been working on the problem as well as living on the premises. I have also been advised it is unwise to try to remove a skunk ar this time of year. The process would most likely make then situation worse.

As Disagreeable suggested, offer to let the tenant out of the lease.
Make sure the offer is in writing.
The prospective tenant moving in will be a day of regret to you, sooner or later.

Make sure you return any monies she paid when you make the offer.
Sweeten the pot witha $100 IMMEDIATE SIGNING BONUS.
It'll be the best $100 you've ever spent.
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