restraining order, felony, pregnant women stalking me**

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I am dating a guy (who I met in 2001), found out he was getting a divorce, but his wife is pregnant. I know it's a morally ridiculous situation to be in but whatever. His "wife" who is 5 months pregnant has harrassed me over the phone. She called my mom about 2 months ago at work like 8 or 9 times asking for me. She has also called most of boyfriend's friends 4 or 5 in the morning looking for me. In the begginning of January she showed up to my house ( have no idea how she found me), ringing the doorbell 10 times. She harrassed me, yelling in the street, so I flagged down a cop, explained to him the situation. The cop sent her home and told me that if she ever came back he would arrest her. A week ago me and boyfriend were on our way to my parents house to drop off my daughter. Crazy "wife" was stalking us. She followed him to the gas station (he left to put gas in my car etc etc) and followed him back to my house. She left their 3 yr old son in a running car to jump in my car and take my keys out of my car. She did nothing to protect her belly from the impact of when she jumped in. Me and boyfriend tried to pull her out and she wouldn't budge. She got out and punched me and started to pull my hair.

I couldn't do anything to defend myself because she was pulling my head down and I couldn't reach her to push her off me. She pulled so hard she yanked my hair leaving a perfect bald spot on my head. She finally ran to my boyfriend (he was getting in her car to get their son away from her), again she jumped in his car while he was driving away hitting her belly on the window. The police didn't arrest anyone basically if she has a miscarriage because of all of this we're getting charged with a felony. Is there anything I can do? She drove an hour from where she lives to come to my house and do this. In my opinion she endangered the lives of both of her kid and unborn child. There was no secret about my involvement with the guy. She had asked for a divorced since may of last year. I think she has bipolar or some type of mental problem if she acts like this unexpectedly. The last time me and her spoke everything was calm. I fear her now that she can come here whenever she feels like it and hurt me my daughter her own kids or my boyfriend.
What is it that you want to happen here?
Well she is telling everyone that she had a miscarriage. I want to get a restraining order but I've never been in this situation, I feel clueless as what to do to protect myself. If she's stalking me what can I do? If I get charged, what can I do? I don't know where to find an attorney, I can't even afford one. I feel like she came to my house with the intentions of doing this to get me in trouble.
If you want a restraining order, apply for one.

If you get charged, hire a lawyer (or have the court appoint you one if you are eligible for a public defender).
Is this your boyfriends child? If so he has alot of trouble on his hands. A miscarriage after the 5th month of pregnancy is not a m/c but a still birth. If it is his child the he will be stuck paying child support to her for 18 years, unless he should happen to get custody, which will be hard.

He needs to file for divorce and find out if this child is his once its born. Is he even sure she is pregnant? How far along is she claiming to be?

I dont know if the police officer is correct in telling you if she loses the baby you'll be charged. It appears you were defending yourself. You are going to need an attorney if charges arise from this.

You should be able to file a restraining order for low cost by going down to the court house.
He has filed for a divorce. She threw herself at two car windows hitting her belly first. Should I call DCFS for endagering her kids? She left their 3 yr old in the car while it was running and the door open. Would my boyfriend be able to get her therapy. We think she has gone crazy. I couldn't even defend myself because of the position I was in, I didn't want to hit her but I was trying to pull her hair back, I was screaming because when she pulled my hair out it hurt like hell. Anyway I never touched her, am I not supposed to defend myself because she's pregnant? That's what the officers made it seem like.
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