Assault & Battery Restraining order, Need Advice

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My girlfriend and i are going through a bad break up. there is a restraining order in place
we have a car that is in both our names. i'm trying to get the car in my name so i can get it back. she has a 19 year old son who my mother seen driving me car today. it's a turbo charged Scion TC he was burning the tires off of it at every light and driving like he was drunk. how can i get a message to her about it without breaking the order. my name is on that car and the financing. if he wrecks it or blows it up im really messed up here . what can i do?
My girlfriend and i are going through a bad break up. there is a restraining order in place
we have a car that is in both our names. i'm trying to get the car in my name so i can get it back. she has a 19 year old son who my mother seen driving me car today. it's a turbo charged Scion TC he was burning the tires off of it at every light and driving like he was drunk. how can i get a message to her about it without breaking the order. my name is on that car and the financing. if he wrecks it or blows it up im really messed up here . what can i do?

You might want to contact the police agency in the area she resides.
Explain your problem to them (the SGT on duty) and see if he or she can assign an officer or deputy to go to the home and retrieve your car.
Thank you for the reply. I don't think that will work at the moment. i went to jail over night and she got temp custody of the condo basicly everything. on the car title it says john or susan . i was barely able to get my clothes and such, getting a attorney soon . but i think he will destroy the car by then
Thank you for the reply. I don't think that will work at the moment. i went to jail over night and she got temp custody of the condo basicly everything. on the car title it says john or susan . i was barely able to get my clothes and such, getting a attorney soon . but i think he will destroy the car by then

You see, that's the most important part, you left it out.

You don't OWN the car, you are a co-owner of the car.

I guess you KNOW what that means, right?

Yep, the little hot-rodder is going to destroy your pride and joy.

You can follow HIM around, when you see HIM in your car.

He doesn't own the car, unless you omitted that detail.

Because you and her own the car together, you could take the car when he goes inside a building.

I don't recommend that tactic, because someone will likely return the favor.

That's usually how more trouble starts.

You could also contact the finance company and ask them to "repo" the car.

Or, you could speak with a lawyer in your county, perhaps a local lawyer will be better situated to assist you.

If you had been married, a divorce might have helped you.

Never, ever purchase anything with a girlfriend or boyfriend, unless you want to end up losing it.
If it is registered/titled to John "OR" Susan it is in your interest to be in posession of the car. She can do what she wants with it and even sell it away without your consent. Of course, you can do the same but not if you don't have it. You should be able to change the registration at the DMV to block a sale.
If you are willing to pay you might get a tow company to get the car for you.
ow...Sherry, sorry to hear your situation,you are so unklcuy. I and an entrecard member too. I wish i won't face this problem and wish you good luck too!Hope your problem will be solved as soon as possible.Have a nice day !
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