Retaliation and Punitive "Caps"

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Sexual Assault and Retaliation:

I was General Manager of a hotel where one of the owners sexually assaulted my wife. I reported the crimes to the president of the corporation who told me to not report the crimes and to work it out myself with the other owner. And then I was directly told that I would be fired if charges were pressed. They made no investigations into the crimes, but I did report the crimes to the police. Shortly after the accused was arrested and then I was demoted with all management title, duties, and responsibilities taken away. And then a short time later I was terminated without any reason given. Both the demotion and termination are in writing, and they are signed by the president of the corporation. There is much more to this case, but I am summarizing.

The owners have several dozen hotels, each as a separate corporation. Currently I am waiting for the criminal trial date and the "right to sue" letter from "BOLI". In Oregon will I run into punitive "caps" for this type of lawsuit? And if so, then would it be limited according to the size of that individual hotel corporation? I'm very concerned now because this has become a very large lawsuit and "caps" could literally create massive differences. And do those "caps" apply in a lawsuit where he is sued personally instead of the corporation?

Thank You for you time.
Your job at that hotel is over anyway. If you turn a blind eye to this your wife should hit you over the head with a bat. If you don't turn a blind eye to it, do you really think you can ever work for these owners again? Do the obvious: Get an attorney, sue the offending owners and take their hotel! Then you can fire them. But your job is done.
Your wife is the victim a savage, heinous, vicious, criminal rape.

It is your wife that should be suing the rapist.

Your wife is merely the victim in the criminal trial.

In the civil trial, she is the aggrieved plaintiff.

Your wife should consult an attorney, and bring a civil lawsuit.

As her spouse, you could then join that lawsuit for a myriad of reasons your lawyer will provide and detail.

Good luck, and go stick it to that cowardly, perverted bastard!
Yea, what he said! I meant that SHE should sue and you join but I wasn't that specific.
I am not finding anything about a "cap" on the amount of punitive damages for lawsuits brought under Oregon law. I did find info that mentions that it is at the judge's discretion as to whether they would approve punitive damages for a case, and it is done on a case by case basis.

Of note, I did find a 18.5 million punitive damages lawsuit against the Boy Scouts in Oregon in what is presumably a class action suit
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