retaliation for reporting sexual harassment?

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I work at a large company with multiple departments that rely on one another to run smoothly. I recently reported my boss for sexual harassment including VERY lude explicit language and touching. I was told from the beginning that my name would not be involved in the investigation process. He was not fired, as per my request not to cause a scene ( I just wanted the incidents to stop). In a completely unrelated turn of events, I was given a new job title and switched to a new department with a new boss (completely co-incidental). A few days after he was spoken to, I ran into my old boss in the hall and he immediately threw up his hands at me and said he wasn't allowed to speak to me because I had made a complaint to HR. When I spoke to HR about this, I was told that they told my old boss the following: Every single person interviewed in the investigation pointed me out as someone who had been targeted by this man and each person gave identical accounts of incidents that had occured. Just tonight, three weeks into my new position, I was told that as part of my new job description I am not allowed to step foot into my old department because they do not want me to interact with my old boss. They told me that if I refused to agree on this restriction that I would be terminated. I've worked there for a long time, and therefore developed strong friendships throughout my old department. I find it unfair that I am no longer allowed to eat lunch (on my UNPAID lunch break) with my friends in that break room and I don't understand why I am being punished for my boss' mistake. Is this legal?
continueing retaliation at the work place?

I reported a co worker for sexual harassment to a senior manager. The hr manager pulled both of us me, co woker, and the dept manager (who is friends with the co worker) into the office together and started scolding me for the incident. Saying it was my fault that my co worker did that. I called the employer head hr bc i got a letter the next day from the co worker in reguards to working with them they stated "i need to not talk to them anymore." the whole report was never confidential and my name was brought up immediately. It was a disaster imo. I told the hr manager she needed to look at the policy a little closer. I had never done anything to this employee to allow this to be alright. The hr came to me 3 hrs after we had the meeting that day and stated "hey were wrong," and i was correct. That the confidentialety was broken and the co worker retaliated against me in the letter. So mean while i was talking with the hrs boss on the other side bc not only was i being accused of causing the problem (even though the co worker admitted to the incursion at the meeting)
and were fixing on getting me in trouble for it. The rest of the employees in the buildings started coming to me with alot of questions.

Side step of the last sentence bring this back a little farther. I was demoted from a position they said based upon work production. The day after they told me they were demoting me i walked into my dept an employee walked up to me and stated "so i heard you step down, i walked right up to the mod and told them im leaving for the day. I was so humiliated bc i didnt even know i was demoted yet and they had already told an employee. Not a member of staff but an employee that i had stepped down when they black mailed me in the office and told i had no chance but to do what they wanted me to so i didnt lose my job. Even though i just got my raise from the corporate and i made a huge percentage based on my sales for the store i made a $1.30 raise. Then i found i was demoted bc they lost their chance to stop my raise. This didnt have anything to do with the harassment co worker. But this is the same senior staff that lets people take their breaks past their 5hr mark even though its law.

Now back to the co worker of harassment. Co fired after the employees were taunting me and asking so many questions then the senior staff was nice to me all of a sudden. Except the dept manager who is still my boss and has been making my life a living hell. I got a worklist from her the next day which i photo copied. 3pages long and the rest of the employees half a page. They have done nothing about this incident and the senior staff remains being friendly. But i feel 2 faced by them frequenly. They favoring certain employees. They put guidlines that you follow then change their minds and deny they said that.
The original post was made over 3 years ago.

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