Retrieving consigned jewelry when store owner has died


New Member
I and a number of others consigned jewelry and other items with a small jewelry store near my home. Other people had items in the store for repair. the owner died suddenly. It's unclear who has legal access to the store and merchandise. What is the best way to figure out who does have legal access and to file claims to have our items returned?
The first and obvious thing that occurs to me is to go to the store during business hours and talk to whoever is there.

Might take a couple of visits.

If that doesn't work, check the probate court's website and search for the store owner's name. If probate has been opened there will be contact information for the representative of the estate.

You can also search Illinois business records to see if other names and addresses are attached to the business.

Google the owner for his obituary. Might provides some leads.

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