Consumer Law, Warranties return of deposit for wedding

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New Member
I am trying to get back my deposit for a wedding at an inn that has since closed and is up for auction, event manager has told me that I will get it back after sale but have nothing in writing from anyone.Trying to contact owner but no luck.any thoughts?
Not trying to be funny... pray. If the inn is closed and up for sale it means nobody is paying anything in all likelihood. To protect yourself, you may want to write a demand letter to whomever you paid and then take the case to small claims court. At the very worst, you get a judgment and potentially a lien. Who knows... maybe some honest person might actually pay you back. If you go to court, an oral contract is enforceable and you can compel (e.g. subpoena) the other party's bank records. If you paid cash... then it might be difficult and could be your word against theirs. Best of luck.
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