Rev. Jackson & wife (Jacqueline) hospitalized after positive Covid Test.

South America brings you the lambda variant
Southern USA brings the Delta
Europe has the delta as well
Kappa is in India

this explains it better

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants
You don't have a biological understanding of how RNA and DNA mutates. It can't be engineered to mutate. Can it be manipulated in a lab? Yes it can but that is not a result of what happens in the population. The virus can mutate in the population on its own. No conspiracy needed.
You don't have a biological understanding of how RNA and DNA mutates. It can't be engineered to mutate. Can it be manipulated in a lab? Yes it can but that is not a result of what happens in the population. The virus can mutate in the population on its own. No conspiracy needed.

and I am sure you do, the first reported case was in Wuhan CHINA. Now I suppose someone (CIA/ Secret Service) could have brought it from the USA to CHINA and then unleashed it to make it look like it started in CHINA. Actually this is what the communist government wants people to believe. It was CHINA who would not let the WHO inspect and investigate the lab so no one knows 100 percent knows for sure. The Biden report comes out today and I can say that it will more than likely have no conclusive determination in where the pandemic started.

When patient zero is in CHINA, it started in CHINA so CHINA VIRUS is what it is. While the communists in CHINA will blame the USA. A new kind of cold war if you will.
and I am sure you do, the first reported case was in Wuhan CHINA. Now I suppose someone (CIA/ Secret Service) could have brought it from the USA to CHINA and then unleashed it to make it look like it started in CHINA. Actually this is what the communist government wants people to believe. It was CHINA who would not let the WHO inspect and investigate the lab so no one knows 100 percent knows for sure. The Biden report comes out today and I can say that it will more than likely have no conclusive determination in where the pandemic started.

When patient zero is in CHINA, it started in CHINA so CHINA VIRUS is what it is. While the communists in CHINA will blame the USA. A new kind of cold war if you will.
Please focus.
You know we are supposed to hear about the intelligence report that Biden ordered re: the source of the virus in the next few days.

I'm not holding my breath. :rolleyes:

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