Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct "Revenge Porn" posted by x-husband?

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long story short. my soon to be x-husband made many pictures and videos of me with many men, women, and groups having sex before we separated. I am from a developing country, and not a USA green card holder yet. i was a stripper/prostitute when the videos and photos were made with my approval. during our final months together our laptop was stolen, with all the porn inside. now we are split, he lives in another state, but i am sure he has posted all my videos and pix online to youtube/facebook/porn sites/ and now even others have made facebook fan pages of me with some of the pix and links to videos. my lawyer and I got most removed from the porn sites, but they return on different sites. now everyone in my town back home, and the whole conservative country, knows about me and has seen my pix/videos. i've been written about in many local newspapers and enews. but how can i prove in court that HE did it? if i bing/google my name literally hundreds of them come up and websites also. what legally can i do? i dont have money to do much. help?
If your & your soon to be ex-husband's laptop was stolen, how do you know your soon to be ex-husband is the one posting the videos & pictures? Do you still have your lawyer - what does he/she say?
long story short. my soon to be x-husband made many pictures and videos of me with many men, women, and groups having sex before we separated. I am from a developing country, and not a USA green card holder yet. i was a stripper/prostitute when the videos and photos were made with my approval. during our final months together our laptop was stolen, with all the porn inside. now we are split, he lives in another state, but i am sure he has posted all my videos and pix online to youtube/facebook/porn sites/ and now even others have made facebook fan pages of me with some of the pix and links to videos. my lawyer and I got most removed from the porn sites, but they return on different sites. now everyone in my town back home, and the whole conservative country, knows about me and has seen my pix/videos. i've been written about in many local newspapers and enews. but how can i prove in court that HE did it? if i bing/google my name literally hundreds of them come up and websites also. what legally can i do? i dont have money to do much. help?

You can pledge never allow anyone to film you engaged in any unsavory activity.

No, you have no case, well no LEGAL case anyway.
It seems you posted previously a couple of threads on another board/forum under another name though mentioned ex-boyfriend rather than soon to be ex-husband. It seems you are also filing for adjustment of status for temporary green card using Violence Against Women Act. Your case is being investigated & you are wondering if you will be denied.

It was suggested you talk to an immigration attorney due to your multiple problems & I believe that is your best bet. You mentioned an attorney in your post here.
Agreed, Betty.

I do disagree somewhat with AJ; even though she was an allegedly willing participant, there may be a case for invasion of privacy.
Agreed, Betty.

I do disagree somewhat with AJ; even though she was an allegedly willing participant, there may be a case for invasion of privacy.

We all form our own opinions.

I never disagree with anyone.

I respect the opinions of others.

None of this is Alex against Alice, or Bruce vs. Babs.

We offer opinions, simple opinions, without the force or effect of law.

I love the lyrics of the Gershwin song, "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off"!

Pronunciations don't a disagreement make.

People don't disagree,they simply hold different beliefs.

The problem with the alleged posting of the risqué photos, as always, is that pesky element of proof.

The laptop was allegedly stolen.

The dots must be connected.

They can't be connected on a FREE, ANONYMOUS forum.

If you have cancer, you consult a physician, not WebMD.

If you have a legal problem, you consult an attorney.

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Disagreeing doesn't mean not respecting.

I gained much of my knowledge relating to defamation and invasion of privacy issues from a wonderful poster, quincy.

Of course what we're saying here is speculation - thus my use of "may". None of us can guarantee any particular result (except perhaps for grandparents wanting to sue for visitation in WA or FL :D ;) ).

In the words of Bjork, "All is love". :)
You might find this front page news article on a revenge porn shutdown attempt interesting.

Taschinger is one of more than two dozen women who plan on filing a class-action lawsuit against the website Texxxan.com, its host, GoDaddy.com, and individual users who post content on the site. They allege that the site is "significantly designed to cause severe embarrassment, humiliation, and emotional distress," according to a petition filed in the district court of Orange County, Tex.

Not to take sides - copyright licenses can be limited in nature although such licensing does come with formalities. It would seem that such a limited license would likely be given in such an instance as this one, solely for the purposes of private, personal and non-commercial use. Engaging in any type of lewd or unsavory activity is at your own risk and best to think about that before you engage. However, even moderately intimate photos given to a loved one can lead to unintended embarrassment. The fact that these images are being exploited seems to ratchet up the level of unsavory conduct. I would think "intentional infliction of emotional distress" under tort law, perhaps a state privacy right, perhaps so crafty use of the CDA might be some of the listed causes of action. I can't say whether there will be any relief granted by the court.

After typing the above I decided to search further and found the following, including a detailed account of the complaint against Texxan.com and Godaddy:

"GoDaddy is profiting off of it," said John S. Morgan, Ms. Toups' lawyer. "The reality of it is at some level this issue of revenge porn has to become a public discussion and a legislative discussion and it raises issues of corporate responsibility. Why would an organization like GoDaddy want to give its name to this type of website?"

As to causes of action:

Many proprietors of revenge porn websites claim they are protected under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which states that websites are not liable for content submitted by users. Mr. Morgan argues that because these sites knowingly post photos without the subject's consent, and advertise their sites as such, they aren't protected by this law. He also noted that because Texxxan.com only posts the photos of women living in Texas, he is pursuing the case under state law instead of federal law.

One very important note:

"None of these women consented to having their photos used," Morgan said.
what legally can i do? i dont have money to do much. help?

What you may do is exactly what you have been... Keep giving take down notices.
You willingly participated in the videos so there are no privacy issues at all. The only way the videos might be used illegally is if in some form of blackmail, which doesn't seem to be the case.
You won't likely ever be able to prove who posted the videos. Once they hit the Internet anyone could have copied them and posted them elsewhere. It is hopeless to pursue.
Take down requests are just about the only option, but even that will be an ongoing task. Once something is on the Internet it never really goes away.
Lesson learned. Do not participate in these videos.
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