reversing adoption

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My friend I will call kara, the fathers parents got full custody of her children; now the grandparents has issued a restraining order for not to have any contact with them, or kids family. She went to court today and found out that they adopted the children and it went through on January 23, 2012, without her knowledge. My question is can they do that and what can she do if anything to change it.
Can they do it?

You answered your own question, they've done it!!!!

I suggest Kara consult an attorney in your county.

Nothing anyone here can do to assist her.

If she has a remedy, it'll be in a court room in your county.

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Absolutely - she needs an attorney.

There are several legitimate reasons why Kara may not have needed to be notified nor her consent obtained; we do not have the details needed.

An attorney is necessary.
Dear Old Fossil. It is as you know and have experienced a tough old game. The free mkeart, smaller budgets etc opens the industry to non-card holders. This brings with it many good and bad things, one of the bad things you have listed. One of the good things is that certain great projects would never have been made if people had to work within the equity guide lines. Another point I would like to make is that you should not wait to be told your an actor, a card, training, showreel, merits etc should not define you as an actor become an actor when you have respect for the craft, others and the fact its a tough industry. As for approaching Downtown Abbey etc, your agent or you could send your info to the casting director or you could send it directly to the production office. Either way it should get reviewed. Keep on thriving dear Old Fossil.
some ideas: Articles. Reference materials. Cross post arcitles. History Who's who. Technique maneuvers, heel, pitch Practical Application. Boats. Forward Stroke. Creating a routine. Paired Solo. Marc O instructional videos. and the blog page could be a chance for people to ask a question, or suggest a topic.
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