Parole, Probation revoked probation

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my husband revoked his probation and got pulled over and arrested. he went before a judge and was given a bond of 1,000 for one warrant and the other says no bond because the warrant is from another county. They are both misdemeanors but said i have to contact the judge to see if he will place a bond. I dont know what to do will they give him jail time or what can happen it is for bad checks under 1500. so i dont know what that means but they placed a bond on that one but that was the reason he was on probation but they sepearted the charges and he has 2 warrants for the theft charge and revoking his probation becasue of the theft charge. is there anything i can do they said the hidalgo county has 10 days to pick him up that there is nothing they can do here. is this true or can something be done here to get him out.
Constitutionally in Texas, everyone is always entitled to bond. Call the other court and ask what the bond is. The sheriff, most likely, can tell you. Or, hire a bondsman and let him do the leg work. You're also entitled to bond, if a revocation hearing is to be held. Only the judge that sentenced your husband (or his successor) can revoke a probationer in Texas. The PO can't even lock a probationer up in Texas. The statute is very clear on this. Seek the advice of counsel immediately.

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