Right of publicity

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John Hearle

New Member
Hello, I am looking for the best lawyer to work on contingency to sue a celebrity for violating right of publicity.

They put my likeness in a song without permission, obviously referencing me in a negative way to over 100 million listeners.

To sue for this and win all you apparently need is proof of these aspects, which I have.

I also have various damages that may add to it.

Can anyone recommend a good lawyer for this?

My name is John Hearle, I am in news articles and if you look at the song NDA they clearly mention my likeness and continue to sing about another person without specifying the difference further building a negative image on my character.
Hello, I am looking for the best lawyer to work on contingency to sue a celebrity for violating right of publicity.

They put my likeness in a song without permission, obviously referencing me in a negative way to over 100 million listeners.

To sue for this and win all you apparently need is proof of these aspects, which I have.

I also have various damages that may add to it.

Can anyone recommend a good lawyer for this?

My name is John Hearle, I am in news articles and if you look at the song NDA they clearly mention my likeness and continue to sing about another person without specifying the difference further building a negative image on my character.
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