right to have family

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New Member
I am traveling with my husband. My home is going ti sit vacant. I am leasing home from someone. I asked my brother and his wife to sit at my home and wat h it and take care of yard and property while i am traveling. My landlord says i am not allowed to invite family to stay in my home more then a couple of days. Is it her right to tell me who i can and can not stay while i pay on time and full amount of required rent on property. I am not even allowed to have my children move back home withoit her permission. There is no lease signed for this term. The lease was for year one and two. This is the third year and there is no signed lease. Also am i required to pay her septmbers rent if she is telling me to get out on this last week of august and also do i not have 30 days to get my stuff out?
Read your original lease. What you can and can not o, is all in that lease. It also says what the landlord can, and can not do.

I suspect your landlord is correct and your lease limits how long guests can stay. If it doesn't speak to that, and if the landlord s wrong, what next?

Well, it is moot at this point. Your landlord has given you notice to vacate. If it is a 30 day notice, yes, you must pay or the sat 30 days. If you don't, no he can't put your junk on the curb. But,he can take you to court, and get you evicted.

Read your original lease.

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