Rights after 17 year relationship dissolves WV

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New Member
I have lived with a man for 17 years. We have resided in our current home for almost 6 of those years. The home is in his name although I do pay bills and they come to our home in my name.

Our relationship has gotten progressively worse and shoving has occurred. I need to know what rights I have regarding our home if I choose to leave this man, as we are not married and I do not believe WV recognizes Common Law Marriage.

Thank you for your assistance.
You are right, West Virginia does not recognize common law. So you are not entitled to anything if it is his house. Living there and paying bills does not give you any rights to the house. You would have to pay rent any other place you live,
Did you provide any of the moeny to purchase the home and by bills to you mean the mortgage payments also?
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