Rights of a beneficiary please help


New Member
Okay here we go...in June of 2013 my grandfather passed with a will made just before his death naming my mother as executor. My aunt then filed litigation to have that will deemed invalid. After two years of litigation her lawyers filed a motion of summary judgement in August that went unopposed and she has had a 04 pour over will and trust admitted to probate. My sister and I are in the 04 will to receive 1/9 of the trust and are not represented by attorneys. We have received no documentation of what is in the trust and how much money to expect. I called my aunts lawyer yesterday and asked him flat out he said 20,000 give or take 5,000. I have strong reasons to believe it is at least double that. He had two Morgan Stanley accounts and two properties (one of which my aunt is living in) the other sold earlier this year. I know my aunt has received at least 35,000 in "partial disbursements" while my sister and I have gotten nothing as of yet. He also said maybe he can get us 10,000 by this coming week. Thank you anybody that has made it this far. My questions are: am I entitled to know how much is in the trust? If so how do I go about finding that info out? Also how much longer can this thing drag on?
Thank you anyone who reads this and responds. I truly don't know what to do next.

I live in New Jersey. Sorry I thought I included that.

Okay here we go...in June of 2013 my grandfather passed with a will made just before his death naming my mother as executor. My aunt then filed litigation to have that will deemed invalid. After two years of litigation her lawyers filed a motion of summary judgement in August that went unopposed and she has had a 04 pour over will and trust admitted to probate. My sister and I are in the 04 will to receive 1/9 of the trust and are not represented by attorneys. We have received no documentation of what is in the trust and how much money to expect. I called my aunts lawyer yesterday and asked him flat out he said 20,000 give or take 5,000. I have strong reasons to believe it is at least double that. He had two Morgan Stanley accounts and two properties (one of which my aunt is living in) the other sold earlier this year. I know my aunt has received at least 35,000 in "partial disbursements" while my sister and I have gotten nothing as of yet. He also said maybe he can get us 10,000 by this coming week. Thank you anybody that has made it this far. My questions are: am I entitled to know how much is in the trust? If so how do I go about finding that info out? Also how much longer can this thing drag on?
Thank you anyone who reads this and responds. I truly don't know what to do next.
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I live in New Jersey. Sorry I thought I included that.

I suggest you have your mother engage a lawyer.
You and she should have done so years ago.
If you are a named beneficiary in a trust, legally your entitled to read the trust, or have your lawyer do so.

However, you can't force others to accede to your requests.

Only a judge can force the obstinate, recalcitrant relatives to "show YOU the money"!!!!

Hire a lawyer, or take the bones and scraps your rich, smart aunt may decide to toss you.
I have seen the will and trust documents and they clearly state we get 1/9. my mother has a lawyer but she has just wanted to wash her hands of the whole thing since the August judgement. And my aunt is far from rich or smart had it not been for her father dying she literally would not have a roof over her head. Unfortunately her lawyers are smart and probably rich. But there must be some kind of way to keep her accountable to my grandfathers wishes or to make sure whatever she does finally give us is in fact 1/9
I have seen the will and trust documents and they clearly state we get 1/9. my mother has a lawyer but she has just wanted to wash her hands of the whole thing since the August judgement. And my aunt is far from rich or smart had it not been for her father dying she literally would not have a roof over her head. Unfortunately her lawyers are smart and probably rich. But there must be some kind of way to keep her accountable to my grandfathers wishes or to make sure whatever she does finally give us is in fact 1/9

The time to ensure one's wishes are carried out upon one's death, is to personally do so BEFORE one expires.

As I said, no one is required to accede YOUR demands.
Yes, the law says they must.
What the law doesn't also say, or most don't know, only a judge can ensure the other person does what the law demands.
Hire a lawyer, instruct the lawyer to ensure you're informed about the trust.

You do reognize that what you've done isn't working, right?

Only a judge can make sure you get to see what's in the trust.

None of this matters to me.

If it matters you, hire a lawyer.

There are no magic words I can reveal which will ensure you receive that which you desire.

Good luck.