Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders "risk of injury to a minor"

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In 1997 i was charged with "Risk of injury to a minor" NOT rape nor melostation. It was consentual but never new i had to card a female at that time. I took the first deal they gave me. I never was in trouble in my lfe until that charge. I took a plea of Guilty just to get out of the jail system. I was released and didnt understand the hole deal of the matter wich was 10 years probation and a class. Well i lost my apartment and every thing i had. Well i didnt last a month befor i decided to violate my probation. I was living off my social security checks month by month. I never went to the classes what so ever. I came to florida in 2000 and thats when i was told i had to register with the state of florida. Lost jobs left and right after i was cut off SS. I tryed to attend the class out here in florida to try and see what i can do about this whole mess. I paid out of my pocket $25 3 times a week and past a poligraph test. Never commited the same act like half these people doing seriouse sex crimes. At times i get discuradged about the whole thing and get in the state of mind of not wanting to live. Is there anything or some good feed back if posible on the matter. (Possitive)
I assume you having to register as a sex offender.?. You just have to push on. Are you wanted now for violating your probation?
The label of sex offender has been tattooed on your forehead for the rest of your life. It can only be removed by receiving a pardon from the governor of the state in which you were convicted.

Pardons are rare, very rare for any crime. They are almost non-existent for sexual offenders!

Contact the governor's office of the state where you were convicted. Investigate how to apply for a pardon. That's about the only positive advice I can provide.
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