Role Elimination


New Member
I am A HR Manager for a network of school. Our board recently contracted a company to come in and assist with some financial issues. To make a long story short, this company has recommended that some of our employees be terminated because of issues resulting from an audit by the state. The board agreed but decided to "eliminate" their roles. This outside company is now providing CFO Services, recruiting for a new Executive Director, etc. Human Resources was one of the only areas with no concerns during this audit. I just learned yesterday that they are eliminating my position. They, this outside company has recommended an outside person for this new position, Director of Human Capital. I am the only employee in human resources. How can HR be eliminated? And yes, I am over 40 yrs, a woman and African American. I know that GA is an at will state but is it legal for the board to do this. They gave this outside company the same authority as our Executive Director, who now has no say in who stays and who goes.
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I am A HR Manager for a network of school. Our board recently contracted a company to come in and assist with some financial issues. To make a long story short, this company has recommended that some of our employees be terminated because of issues resulting from an audit by the state. The board agreed but decided to "eliminate" their roles. This outside company is now providing CFO Services, recruiting for a new Executive Director, etc. Human Resources was one of the only areas with no concerns during this audit. I just learned yesterday that they are eliminating my position. They, this outside company has recommended an outside person for this new position, Director of Human Capital. I am the only employee in human resources. How can HR be eliminated? And yes, I am over 40 yrs, a woman and African American. I know that GA is an at will state but is it legal for the board to do this. They gave this outside company the same authority as our Executive Director, who now has no say in who stays and who goes.

The LEGALITY of anyone's action is only determined after an adjudication of an issue(s).
Ultimately, an administrative adjudication or finding, can then be appealed to receive a verdict from a trial before a judge and jury.
In your case, the entire thing could appear to be ILLEGAL, but a court (or administrative body) could find otherwise.

You should seek legal counsel from a Georgia licensed employment, civil rights, or labor relations attorney.
Such consultations are normally offered free of charge to allow you to discuss and the attorney to evaluate your case.
I wish you well.
On the face of it, I don't see anything illegal. They have decided to eliminate employees in favor of using an outside source. Companies do that all the time. It's certainly not required to have an HR person on staff. Is it smart? Will it work? Remains to be seen, but if they want to try it, they can.
Agreed. Without some valid and supportable evidence that your job is being eliminated BECAUSE you are female, over 40 and/or African American, there's nothing illegal based on your post. There is no requirement that there be someone in an HR function.
Agree that I don't see anything illegal - you would have to prove that you were let go just because of your age, race or some other protected class. This doesn't seem to be the case here.

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