Roofing Company Demanding Payment and Threatening Me Over Unfinished Project


New Member
Not only did they not finish, they did a shoddy job so far. They sent a threat saying that if I don't pay it's a breach of contract - which I really doubt - and that they're going to sue me. I wrote a response and was wondering if someone knowledgeable could check and see if its ok, I don't have a lot of money for a lawyer right now, thanks guys:

Hello __________, This email represents an official response to the demand letter I, __________, received on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024. At this time, I refuse to comply with the demand to pay __________ (CE) for the following reasons:

CE did not perform all of the agreed-upon services. The drip edge on the back of the property was incorrectly installed and still needs to be replaced. The gutter/downspout was never primed or painted. Damage resulting from the front window replacement has not yet been repaired. See the attached pictures.

I did not receive an invoice from CE on October 26th, 2023. The windows were not even installed until Friday, April 26th, 2024. Your letter surprises me as I have been working with a CE employee named Dan the entire time, who never asked for the demanded payment and is supposed to address the unperformed services. Dan can be reached at __________.

If you are accusing me of breaching a contract, please provide a copy of the contract and explain the accusations in detail. I respectfully request that you cease all activities related to your original demand except for communication that provides my requested documentation. I intend to resolve this matter without the need for litigation. Dan can call me anytime, and I plan to pay CE after all the agreed-upon services are performed.

Sincerely -