room in house holding deposit: $200.00

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New Member
Around the 8th of November a man gave me a check in the amount of $200.00 to hold a room in my house for him to rent. He calledme a few days later andI told him that I was assuming he wanted the room and that I would be depositing the check, but he asked menot to deposit it until the 11th, as it would not clear until then. A couple of days after that, he called me to tell me he did not want the room anymore. I told him that unfortunately his check was mine to keep. Unfortunately for ME, I had not yet cashed it. When I tried to cash it today, I discovered he had put a " stop payment " on it. what should I do? I tried the ATM, but I was too late.
Around the 8th of November a man gave me a check in the amount of $200.00 to hold a room in my house for him to rent. He calledme a few days later andI told him that I was assuming he wanted the room and that I would be depositing the check, but he asked menot to deposit it until the 11th, as it would not clear until then. A couple of days after that, he called me to tell me he did not want the room anymore. I told him that unfortunately his check was mine to keep. Unfortunately for ME, I had not yet cashed it. When I tried to cash it today, I discovered he had put a " stop payment " on it. what should I do? I tried the ATM, but I was too late.

I'd let it go, and be happy you didn't give him FULL access to the room.

If you wish to pursue this, you would have ti ue him in small claims court.

Trust me, that's a waste of time and more money chasing bad money using good money.

In the future accept CASH only deposits, because even money orders can be oreported lost or stolen effectively causing the same result as you experienced in this case.

If you're really smart, don't rent rooms.

There are many very bad reasons that adults rent rooms.

Do yourself a favor, renting rooms are inherent with many risks, some financial, others are personal safety.
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