Room Mate Situation

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i am renting half of a 2 bedroom apartment. the lease is in my room mates name and we've been here about 6 weeks. i never signed anything regarding our agreement which was to split everyting down the middle. also the landlord is aware about my living there. . the other day he left for tennesee and never said a word to me regarding his return or not. through a mutual friend i was told that my room mate "has not given up on the apartment" to me this intimates he may skip. if he does there will be no problem. additionally he has stolen money from me and appologized and repayed it this and a severe drug problem makes the living situation untennable. he or i must go. i would prefer to stay and get a "normal room mate" but the lease is in his name, as is the $1000 security deposit. i am on SSD and can meet my half but do not have the extra funds to cover the deposit. i told him if i do not hear from him regarding this matter i will look for a roomate. wheather or not i can do that i do not know. also is indebted to me for the phone bill and keeps telling me tomorrow. this has been going on for over a week and a half. as we all know tomorrow never comes. he did call me tonight and told me i have ten days. i assume that means for me to get out. at this point in time it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to do. if the landlord becomes aware of his drug problem i am sure she will do everything in her power to evict, but i hesitate to do that as i beleive in karma and do not play hardball well.
any help will be appreciated.
thank you,
barry j arkin
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