Roomate Application Forms?

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I have never had a roomate before, and I dont want one to stiff me for rent money, food, utilited, or steal from me when I am not home. I would like to find a legal form almost like a rental application that would hol up in I think what would be a small claims court to evict the woman if she broke my rules? I want to specify exact amounts she would pay and for what. Who she would be allowed to bring into the apartment.
I want no smoking. no drugs. And other things as I am an 63 year old senior.
I want to rent only to a profesional woman 40 years or older. and no children running around the apartment breaking things, in fact I would like to stipulate NO childrin inside the apartment. No playing the tv or music after a certain time, etc. and breaking any of these rules I would want to evict her within a week or 2.
Can this be done???
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