Roomate Roomate harassment and demanding that I move out.

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New Member
Hi, thanks in advance for any help you are able to provide.

I have a situation with a roommate in which I have moved out of the apartment but she is making it increasingly difficult to maintain a fiduciary relationship with her.

I moved out about a month ago today due to complications with her refusing to keep up her end of the bargain in terms of cleaning, leading to a great deal of mold in the bathroom (which I documented in photos) and general difficulties in maintaining a fair balance with her since my girlfriend and I were spending days at my apartment and nights at her apartment.

I gave my roommate several verbal notices and a written notice that I WOULD continue to pay my half of the rent and half of the utilities, with the exception of internet. Given the prices for 6 month discount deals with Comcast it was cheaper for us to setup 2 new, discounted internet service accounts than to maintain the full price account. I also terminated the electric, which was in my name because I needed to setup electric at the new apartment, but have continued to maintain the water, sewer and trash utilities under my name. Again, notified her that I would continue to pay half of the electric, water, sewer and trash for the duration of the lease, as well as the rent both verbally and in written form, including a lengthy email detailing to her exactly how to convert the electronic bills from the power company into PDF's and email them to me at the end of the month so I could divide them up.

She has not provided me with any electric bill for this month but has instead sent me very nasty email accusing me of using electricity while moving out and refusing to pay for it, which, as is well documented, is absolutely untrue.

Does she have any right to demand that I move my things out when I'm paying half the rent? Furthermore, what financial responsibility do I have regarding utilities when she ignores my multiple offers to keep paying my half of them, preferring, berate me through email for statements I never made. Since she has now given me written notice demanding that either move everything out OR pay for half of the utilities- Quote- –"If you wish to take your time in moving the rest of your things out, then you can continue to pay for half of the utility bill. If not, then I am asking you to please remove all of your belongings before the next billing cycle begins" can I take that to mean that I am no longer obligated to pay half the utilities on the apartment once I move the rest of my things out? Am I OBLIGATED to discontinue financial assistance with regards to the utilities once I have my things moved out?
Your obligation regarding the rent is best to discuss with your landlord.
Your obligation regarding utilities is for the two of you to sort out, but is ultimately the responsibility of whoever put the service in their name.
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