Roommate Abandonment of Dog and things

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OKay so my roommate moved in 3 months ago and is NOT on the lease. He brought his dog with him and twenty days ago, I have messages saying he was coming home THAT night to bring me the $345 he owes me for the month. It's been 20 days and he has not contacted me about getting his dog, I am taking care of his dog and am out almost $400 and can't afford to take care of the dog. I've tried in vain to contact him to get his things but with to no avail.

What can I do legally? I'm broke and can't afford to have him legally evicted through the citizens courts.
Drop the dog off at the local shelter, it's not your problem.

Even though the roommate is not on the lease, you may have created a sub-lease with him by accepting rent money from him.

What exactly were the terms you two agreed to?
OKay so my roommate moved in 3 months ago and is NOT on the lease. He brought his dog with him and twenty days ago, I have messages saying he was coming home THAT night to bring me the $345 he owes me for the month. It's been 20 days and he has not contacted me about getting his dog, I am taking care of his dog and am out almost $400 and can't afford to take care of the dog. I've tried in vain to contact him to get his things but with to no avail.

What can I do legally? I'm broke and can't afford to have him legally evicted through the citizens courts.

Maybe you should report his mysterious disappearance to the police?

He went missing three weeks ago.

He might be dead.

He might be hostage to some drug crazed thug.

He might need help.

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