Roommate blew up our house


New Member
So my I live with my boyfriend and 2 friends. One night one of our roommates got mad at us and lit a mortor firework and through it down the stairs at us. It caused a lot of damage and I personally got burned. We all have been getting headaches and our ears are still ringing. The guy who did it said he would pay for the damages but then just up and left while we sleeping and refuses to talk to us. We have pictures of all the damage and we are all going to the hospital when we get off work to get our injuries documented. We also all have missed work due to this. I want to press charges. How do I go about that? And what all can I get him for? I want him to pay for what he did.
How do I go about that? And what all can I get him for? I want him to pay for what he did.

The guy has nothing o compensate you with or reimburse you for your injuries even if you sued him in civil court and got a massive judgment.

He's shacking up with a bunch of people because he is living by using his street wit.

However, your group was injured.
In your state you could be considered "crime victims" at the hand of some whacked out drug abuser and psycho.

What that crazy whacko did could have killed all of you.

So, report the matter to the police IMMEDIATELY.

All of you cooperate and give statements and say you wnat him prosecuted.

Tomorrow you all go down to the courthouse and get orders of protection, or restraining orders.
Ask the cops about it tonight!!!!

Once you get that order, the crazy, whacked out tweaker will NOT be allowed to return to yoru home.

The police report will also help you with your landlord.

The state should do right by the landlord, too.

Now read this link, and follow the instructions and the state will probably do right by all of you as long as you cooperate with the prosecutor so that justice is served!

Here is the WA state crime victim site:
Application for Benefits - Crime Victims
This tells what the state will do, what it covers, etc...:
Who Can File and What is Covered
I don't know who is on the lease for the premises but one would think that every tenant is joint and severally liable. That doesn't bode well for any of you. As was mentioned, it's hard to believe that someone tosses an explosive down the stairs, causes massive damage and you don't think of immediately calling the police, which is what you'll have to do. And as @army judge says, one would have to think he might be judgement proof. And to make matters worse, the landlord will probably demand / sue for damages as well. Sadly, anyone can sue but collection is never guaranteed.
The cops were called and he told them everything was okay. When he left I called the cops and They came over and said they coudnt prosecute him but I can sue him

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