Roommate dispute -- what are the legal options?

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New Member
Monthly rent: $2650
Location: New York City, Manhattan
End of Lease: Beginning of Oct

Two friends of mine, Adam and Helen, are roommates together in a two-room apartment. At one point, Helen had a discussion with Adam and asked if her boyfriend could stay, rent-free, as long as he helped out around the apartment. They agree. Everyone gets along fine, and the boyfriend is a very clean and helpful guest.

After a while, Adam needlessly erupts in anger over an isolated vacuum filter incident and demands that this boyfriend start paying rent so they can split it three ways. The boyfriend is already paying two leases elsewhere (he is a student). Helen feels this is unfair due to their initial agreement. They compromise on splitting it between halfway (2650/2) and three ways (2650/3) so Adam would only pay around 1100 while Helen and her boyfriend would pay roughly 1500/2 or 750 each. However, after agreeing to this, Adam changed his mind and demanded a three-way split, and refuses to pay any rent unless they agree to this. Adam admits he is doing this purely out of spite.

After speaking to the landlord, it was decided that Adam cannot kick the boyfriend out even though he is not on the lease. What are the options at this point? One option would be to pony up and split it three ways, but my friends feel they should not have to based on the agreements reached. The other option is to put up the 1500 and refuse to give any more. Another option is to break the lease and pay two months rent penalty (but forcing Adam to as well) if Adam does not comply. Alternatively, there might be small claims court.

What, if any, advice would you have on the situation? Thanks.

EDIT: Update: Adam just filed a claim with the rental office that he feels "threatened" by the boyfriend. This is entirely fallacious.
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If Adam plays his card right he may actually have a good argument. Adam and Helen are on the lease, and usually in the lease there is language about guests and how long they may stay. If Adam works through the landlord and pulls some lease language out, the landlord might be forced to send the boyfriend packing.

Adam won't do himself any favors by refusing to pay the rent.

In short, I can see the landlord booting the boyfriend to resolve the matter. Helen and the boyfriend can move if they like, and pay the associated penalties, and Adam will have a new roomie before too long.
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