Roommate drama...

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We moved in my roommate in February. She did not have a signed lease agreement just verbal until we decided whether or not we would renew our lease in June. In June we all would renew the lease. My landlord refused to sign a lease with her because he felt that she was unreliable. He told me that I had to do a sublease agreement for her. At the end of July I presented her with a sublease agreement in which she verbally agreed to. We did not have a printer and could not physically sign the lease. That weekend I went to Las Vegas and calls me and she claims that her car was stolen and my car was vandalised as well. Because of this she said she did not want to live there anymore because she felt unsafe(I have not seen a police report that she claims to have gotten or any indication that her car was stolen although I have asked for insurance purposes). She also that her job has randomly offered her a position that is forcing her to relocate. (All of which I believe are lies). The date that she said she will not be living there anymore was July 29th. She did not pay rent for the month of August because she said that she had to spend it on getting her car back. For weeks after this I have called her NUMEROUS times to try and work things out. She ignored me for 3 weeks. All of her personal items are in the house. She finally texts me saying that she will not give me a move out date or a date in which she would be able to pay me back for rent or bills. It got to the point where she had been gone for 30 days + and, I have a new roommate that will be taking her place and will need to move in 9/1. My landlord has changed the locks due to the issue and advised that I throw her things out because she has abandoned the living space for more than 30 days. She indicated a few days later that she will be moving out on 9/1. I have attempted to call her to set up a time etc because the locks are changed and she ignored me again until the morning of 9/1. Today is 9/1 and she attempted to break into the house because the locks were changed. My roommates and I decided that if she did not have our money would not let her in. Because she started to break into the house my new roommate called the police. They could not do anything but stop her from trying to break in.

my question: What can I do to ensure that I get what Im owed? What are my rights? What are her rights?
She has been gone for more than 30 days. Can I deny her access to the premises? I will allow her to get her things but I want my money first.
What can I do to ensure that I get what Im owed?

You have NOTHING in writing.
Even if you did have a signed lease agreement, you'd get the same thing, NOTHING.

If your landlord didn't want to take the risk, you were crazy to NOT take a hint.
You made a deal with a lying, welching, conniving, scamming, deadbeat.
You are free to bring an eviction action, which is what you should do to ensure the deabeat doesn't sue you for an ILLEGAL eviction.

What are my rights? What are her rights?

Read this:
Understanding the eviction process in Georgia |

She has been gone for more than 30 days.
Eviction Notices for Nonpayment of Rent in Georgia |
Then this
Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Georgia |
Finally this
Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Georgia |

The Easy Georgia Eviction Process: Favorable Notice Requirements

Can I deny her access to the premises? I will allow her to get her things but I want my money first.

I would advise you to follow the law as posted above.
If you deny her access to her property, she can sue you for an ILLEGAL eviction.
If you have a remedy, it lies in some GA courtroom.
Read it, and heed it, or you'll regret it.

Let her get her stuff, keep it safe until she gets it, and get a signed receipt from her acknowledging that she reclaimed all of her junk.

Accept the fact that the best you can do is legally get her evicted.

Roommates are a risky proposition.

Don't rely on deadbeats to help you pay your rent.

I hope you understand why.....

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