Rent, Utilities Roommate left early, wants a refund

Night Cabbie

New Member
This is Oregon, not Oklahoma! But I don't seem to have the option of changing that or deleting the thread and starting over.

I rented a room in my apt. to a kid who had never rented before, starting August 1st. When he first moved in, I asked him to use Feliways stress spray on his shoes and bags so he'd smell friendly to my four cats. Only to be told that I couldn't tell him what to do, for according to his girlfriend who stayed with us for ten days, it wasn't my home anymore, since he paid rent too.

After three days, I told them that the cats had started marking in the house because they were refusing to use the Feliways or even SPEAK to me. A week later they went camping to get around the management company's rule about houseguests not staying for more than ten consecutive days; my opinion was irrelevant.

So I informed him, in writing, that I now had a section of hardwood floor that was so badly urine damaged that it would have to be replaced, and that this behavior stopped as soon as he left. Therefore, if I could afford to give him his full first/last/security back so he could leave sooner, I would, but since I couldn't, I was giving him notice for the end of September, with the caveat that if he wanted a full 60 days I would of course do that. He agreed to leave then, in writing. Only to change his mind the next day; he left August 15th.

He emailed me two days later to inform me that he had signed himself off the lease, and demanded a refund for September's rent and his full security deposit. He doesn't think he should have to pay for the damage, since it was caused by my cats. Whereas I think that he should, as his refusal to use Feliways or be even remotely friendly to either me or them caused them to freak out. But I can of course see how how that is disputable.

However, do I actually have to give him September's rent back? I have to repair this floor somehow. Also, if I must give him the deposit back, does it need to be within 30 days of when he was expected to leave, or the day he actually left?
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The damage caused by your cats is your responsibility.
You have no obligation to return anything to him unless a court orders you to. I'd bet he isn't savvy enough to make that happen.

That said, if there is no damage to the room he rented you should consider refunding the security deposit. He moved out early and is not entitled to a refund of September rent, but giving it back could make all the trouble go away.
The only way to PROTECT your property (MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR LIFE) and assets is to live ALONE, without renters or boarders.

Adult roommates and/or boarders rarely work out as expected.
You have no obligation to return anything to him unless a court orders you to. I'd bet he isn't savvy enough to make that happen.

That suggests I might be legally obligated to give him the rent back, though. That is my question, whether I actually am.

For if I give him the deposit AND his last month's rent back, I have no money to repair the damage, and it'll be hard to rent the place with it smelling like pee. If I had a dog that he'd agreed to walk while I was away and then just didn't bother I assume he'd be liable for that. But while he said he WOULD start using the Feliways, he never did. But I never got that bit in writing, alas. So I'll return the deposit.
The only way to PROTECT your property (MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR LIFE) and assets is to live ALONE, without renters or boarders.

Adult roommates and/or boarders rarely work out as expected.
Well that is singularly unhelpful, not to mention unrealistic, as most people cannot afford to live alone.
Well that is singularly unhelpful, not to mention unrealistic, as most people cannot afford to live alone.

Don't assume others must do as you feel you are required to do, madam or sir.

I live alone with my spouse.
We've always lived alone.
My father in law, who passed away Tuesday was age 101.
He lived alone, too, even at age 101.
The exception, of course, was when their children were at home, and with my MIL until she passed away 12 years ago.

If you believe you must take in boarders, good luck.
You're free to choose what you believe improves and sustains your life.

I was polite and civil to you, and will continue to behave that way towards you.

We are all volunteers here.
We enjoy helping people.
We don't come here to belittle and insult anyone.

Most of us spend 15 to 60 hours a week, trying to help.

My humblest, sincerest apologies for offending you.

I wish you well, no matter what you choose to do.

I will pray for your safety, and financial stability.

God bless.
Understand that you are not obligated to return a single penny.
If your ex tenant isn't happy about that he can try to sue you for it.
If he presents a successful argument a judge may then order you to pay, and then you are obligated.
Will he take it to court? Probably not.... I'd guess he is young and dumb and would never even figure out where to start. Many people feel to overwhelmed to even begin.

The pet damage is completely your responsibility. Anything you keep from the security deposit should be regarding damages he is responsible for. Failure to return this deposit in a timely manner could provide another reason to sue you for even more money. It is safest to just return it.

He packed up and moved out early, breaking his original lease agreement with you. You could likely justify holding that, but it is still safe to just return it and be done with him and not have to worry if he is smart enough to use the system to get it out of you.

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