Roomate Roommate not on lease threatening to leave, can we sue?

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Myself and two friends needed to move for financial reasons, we found a house that we could all afford. Roommate F. didn't have good credit so to better our changes we agreed that myself and roommate A. would sign the lease. We all agreed to stay the duration of the lease (2 years). During the first year roommates A. and F. had issues and now roommate F. is planing on moving in March, 7 months before the lease is up. We had a verbal agreement, I have in writing were she admits to living there and the electric bill is in her name. If she leaves can we sue, or better yet can we prevent her from breaking our agreement?
You won't have much luck with that. Your best bet may to keep things civil with the roommate who is leaving and make sure bills are caught up before the move. You aren't going to be able to hold that roommate to the 2 year agreement. That roommate is a month to month tenant at best. Only the two on the lease have the 2 year obligation.
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