roommate not returning deposit

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I moved into a person's apt. about 6 months back as a roommate. I did not sign a lease or any agreement but paid him my share (50%) of the deposit and have been paying him 50%of the rent every month. Sometime back, we had some problem and he asked me to move out. Now, I've found another place to move but he is refusing to pay the deposit back and the remaining rent for the month. I wanted to know if I could bring him to small claims court and get my deposit back and/or get him charged for cheating. I have paid all the rent and deopsit with my bank checks.

I would appreciate your comments.

Originally posted by probkid1

I moved into a person's apt. about 6 months back as a roommate. I did not sign a lease or any agreement but paid him my share (50%) of the deposit and have been paying him 50%of the rent every month. Sometime back, we had some problem and he asked me to move out. Now, I've found another place to move but he is refusing to pay the deposit back and the remaining rent for the month. I wanted to know if I could bring him to small claims court and get my deposit back and/or get him charged for cheating. I have paid all the rent and deopsit with my bank checks.

You could and you should! :D Good luck and be prepared. Take pictures of the place when you move out. Make sure it is in good condition. Send a letter, certified return receipt, demanding the return of your deposit. If he doesn't pay it back, take him to court...
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