Roommate on lease moved out early, rented with same company?!

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:mad:Our roommate moved out of our apartment after one night forgetting her key and banging on the doors until the Plexiglass had bowed in and damaged it, not counting the damage her Pitbull did to not one but TWO doors. So we found out she was a little coo coo:nuts. Well, she comes in after we wake up and let her in and yells and cusses at us about how we were responsible for her forgetting her key... and that shes moving out... so she disappears for a week, leaves her dog in the kennel and only stops by once when our cars arent home to let her out. Then she says shes moving, she found a place literally TWO HOUSES AND ACROSS THE STREET DOWN!... WITH THE SAME REALTY RENTAL COMPANY! How can the Realty company allow her to move out of a current lease she is still on, tell us "Oh I think she'll pay for her share of the rent, but youre responsible for that." And fail to mention they've signed her to another lease...? Is this even legal for them to do...?

BTW Shes fully moved out, she just hasnt fixed any of the doors shes promised she would fix and SHE STILL HAS HER KEY!...

Its ridiculous to find a new roommate to add to the lease because no one is going to want to sign a lease for less than two months.

We are concerned about the deposit or some of it going to her.... and the fact that we had to pay her part this month because she obviously cant, and she was usually late on rent anyway (Shes a pot head and not very good with her money) and with next month, the final month, we'll have to pay again even though the realty company tried to sugar coat saying I think she'll pay her part...

What should we do? Can we pay our part next month, (2/3 the rent) and let the realty company go after her because we can prove we've paid everything, or just pay everything and take her to same claims, and risk never being able to keep any of our money for that?

She was supposed to be our "best friend, like sisters" and she'd "never do us dirty". she even tries to text and call us when she wants to hang out like its all cool...:mad::mad:

EDIT: Also I have been placing ads online to sublet, (if landlord will allow) by the week or month, or anything that works to help cover her share....
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Whose names are on the lease?
When does the lease expire?
Have the two remaining housemates given notice to vacate?
Is the rent in arrears?
Whose names are on the lease?
When does the lease expire?
Have the two remaining housemates given notice to vacate?
Is the rent in arrears?

1) All of our names our on our current lease still.
2) Our lease expires, October 31st, 2010.
3) No notice to vacate, but we are putting in our 30 days very soon. The heating bills are ridiculous here and we cannot afford winter here.
4) Our rent is current. On time or we call if it will be a few days late (Only happened a few times when our paychecks got messed up because of holidays).
1) All of our names our on our current lease still.
2) Our lease expires, October 31st, 2010.
3) No notice to vacate, but we are putting in our 30 days very soon. The heating bills are ridiculous here and we cannot afford winter here.
4) Our rent is current. On time or we call if it will be a few days late (Only happened a few times when our paychecks got messed up because of holidays).

The landlord may choose to go after her and let the others off, as long as you're current.
The landlord may choose to go after the ones he can get.
Then you have to go after her, if you wanna get paid.
I wouldn't even try the sublet route.
People that sublet, are even worse risks.
Just forget the sublet idea.

You may never get the money from her.
If you want to try, sue her in small claims.
Small claims isn't easy and takes time.
You won't get your money IF you win.
You'll only get a court order saying that "X" owes "Y" and "Z" $XXX.
Then you have to collect on that judgment.
It isn't easy, and its very frustrating without a lawyer.
Of course, with a lawyer, its costly.

If it were me, I'd forget about collecting a dime from that deadbeat.
I'd worry about paying my rent and moving to another apartment.
Of course, that is what I'd do.

You can choose to sue her.
That's the only way you can TRY to make her pay you.

Or, you can convince your landlord to go after her and leave you two guys alone, as long as ytou keep everything current.
That way, you might get your security deposit when you leave!
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