Roommate Question

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New Member
My roommate and I signed a lease and have been splitting utilities and rent since August of 2008. In August of 2009 we signed a year-long lease that is still going on. He has accepted a job in another state and will be moving, however, he never actually told me. Is he still responsible for rent and utilities through the end of the lease?

As far as I know he is required to pay his half of rent through the end of the lease so I'm really wondering about utilities.

If he tells me he's moving does he have 60 days more of rent and utilities to pay before he's released from the utilities?

Thanks in advance!
Yes, he is still responsible for his share of the rent until the end of the lease.

Another option would be if he finds someone to replace him; however, all on the lease (you, the landlord) would need to agree with this choice. In other words, he can't simply toss someone in to take his place.

He would not be responsible for utilities he no longer uses. For example, if the power bills run a month behind (as many do), he would be responsible for his share up until the date that he vacated the rental unit.

If he leaves some of his belongings in the apartment is he still responsible for utilities since technically even if I found someone to move in they wouldn't be able to?
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