Roommate refuses to take me out of the lease

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New Member
Living & renting an apartment in Florida with a roommate. Both us are on the lease. It is a 1 year lease. I want to move out & rent a different unit from the same management. Roommate demanded 2 months notice so she can find someone to replace me. I provided the 2 months by agreeing to pay June & July rents. i secured another apartment to be move in ready on july 6. I told her I'll move out early July but will pay her the whole July's rent. Before I move out, roommate demanded more time & refused to sign the paper to release me from the lease. I am forced to backed out from the apartment I secured. I gave my roommate another 1.5 months to which I found another apartment unit & will be ready to move in by September 7. Roommate now attempting to kick me out because she has found someone to replace me. She stated I should leave now because she finally found a new roommate. I refused since my new apartment wont be available til sept 7. I told her, I was scheduled to move out early July but you held me back. With that she said, I should have kept the first apartment and pay 2 rents for both apartments to accommodate her until she found someone. I can't afford to pay for 2 apartments and it's not right given the fact I have provided her with sufficient notice that I am leaving. Landlord policy that one can be removed from the lease given the one staying will sign the release form & can afford the lease on her own based on her paycheck. Roommate can afford it but continues to refuse to sign my release to move out on Sept 7. What should I do?
While your roommate can't "kick" you out early, it also appears you cannot get out of your lease until she signs the release.

At it is, you are both at a stalemate here.

When does the original lease actually end?

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