Roommate trying to sue for nail polish damages, utilities, and more!

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New Member
This is probably going to be one of the more interesting things you may read on this board..

Here is my story;

I have not been to my residence in over a month for longer than a 12 hour period in over a month. During this time, a bottle of nail polish (which was owned by me) was spilled. I was not home during this time.. That is one of the issues. She threatened to "sue" me.

After this, she has completely lost her mind. I brought up the idea of her taking over the cable bill, since I do not even own a tv, and am not home. She completely went crazy.

We had signed an agreement when we first moved in stating that utilities would be put in my name and i would be responsible to make sure they were paid.

I am not going to lie, this month the cable bill was slightly late. (I am never home, and this was the result of a mix up) But it infact has been paid.

So, after all that rambling.. I am pretty sure she has absolutley no case against me.. but I wanted to get advise from someone who is aware of laws.
I don't know how I would legally be tied to a luxury utility when I have no means of using it, and if i am responsible for damages of the desk.
If you left the nail polish out and not completely closed, there may be justification that you owe for the damage it caused when knocked over. If she sues you, a judge will decide the outcome.

You agreed to put the utilities in your name and make sure they are paid. It's not your roommates fault that currently you're not home very much right now. Is the fact that you're not home very often now a temporary issue or will this change in the future? If it will change, you are likely to find yourself again using the cable services even if this is done on her television set.

At any rate, you're certainly not responsible for REQUIRING to have cable television; this utility does not fall under the same category of being as necessary as, say electricity or water, etc.. If your future plans do not change in terms of actual amount of time staying at the residence then it would be perfectly legal for you to cut the cable off and have her pick it up in her name. This is, however, not likely to set well with the roommate situation.

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