Roommate want pay her share

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New Member
Roommate wrote me a check for rent, it bounced and she blames me for cashing it to soon. I deposited it into my account to cover the rent check I wrote. I was lucky it did not bounce to the apartments I had enough to cover it. But, now I am broke. She did not pay me the money until 2 weeks later and shorted it 30.00. She also owes 70.00 for utilities and says she does not have the money. It is a month later and rent/utilities are due again. I do not know if she is going to pay this month or not.

She let a friend of hers come and live at the apartment for 2 weeks, never asked me and against apartment rules. A week later she went out of town and I went to my parents. I dropped by our apartment and my roommate had let someone else stay there. BOth these girls now have a key to our place.

I got so mad taht roommate said she would sign a release form so I moved most of my things out in fear of what she and her roommates would do to my things. I lock my bedroom door but they get in anyway. I am scared to stay there. I am still paying my portion of the rent unfortunetely the utiltities are in my name and I may never see that money. LL advised roommate not to sign a release form and if she did they would not approve it. They think I am leaving this poor girl with no home. Believe me she can take care of herself. She makes twice the money I do. I never told landlord about these things because I do not want an eviction on my credit history. I go to the apartment a few times a week. I told the apartments that I am not abandoning the apartment. I am going this week and put a new lock on my bedroom door so they can not get in and to make it a little more uncomfortable for them because they could live off me for the next 9 months. Any other suggestions?

Roommate says she has another person to room with her. They are waiting for other lease to be up. She does not pay rent at the other place. She is suppose to move into the apartment in August. I am not sure that is going to happen.

If it does not what are my options? If she is approved and moves in what legal forms do I need to make sure later down the road I am not liable for what they do?
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