Roommate's pet deficated over carpet causing a 600 dollar fee

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Virginia

My roommate brought a pug into the apartment and we signed a pet addendum under the understand that she was trained to not pee in the apartment. This was not that fact She continued to pee all over the apartment carpet and even in my other roommates bed. She has chewed my books (that I could not later return at the end of the semester costing me at least 150), and my shoes/clothes. My other roommate also got a cat and did not tell the landlord about it until they found it and charged her for it. We just moved out of the apartment because I refused to live with them and after shampooing and vaccuming the carpet they still found smells. They lifted up the carpet and found stains where the cat kept her litter box and in our rooms where the dog had gone and peed numerous times. Because of this they are replacing the carpet, so they took each of our security deposits and are also charging us $576 in addition. I want my roommates to pay for it because it is their lack of discipline that has already cost me at least 300 and they want more. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for it because it was their pets?
No; you both signed the pet addendum; you are both responsible for this bill.

After you pay your share you can turn around and sue your former roommate for your share plus the damage her pets did to your school books.

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