Roommates want to sue me

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New Member
My two roommates and I have a year lease until August 2010. However, I moved out of the apartment in December and gave them notice in October. I found a subletor (same person who had subleted in the summer) but she was contacted by my roommates who discouraged her from moving by calling her names and telling her that she couldnt have my room. A month or so later I found a second subletor, someone that I had known for a long time and was close to me. She signed a subletor application that was accepted by the landlord who had been aware of the problems all along. The subletor had agreed to sublet and pay rent/bills from January-August 2010. She also agreed to pay the amount specified for a particular room (we pay different prices for the rooms in the apartment). However, once she moved into the apartment the room she had paid for was no longert available meaning that she had overpaid and soon after was driven away from the apartment by my roommates. Now they are planning on sueing me for rent/bills/legal fees which as I understand they can't do since I left the country. They have had over a month to find a subletor but have not done so. What can I do?
When you find someone to take over your lease, you remain financially responsible for that person should they fail to keep up their end of the bargain.

It likely would have been better for you to sign off on the lease (i.e., after all the remaining tenants and the landlord agreed to this) and have the subletter sign a new lease. That would have ended your financial obligations.

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