Running license plates and passing on personal information

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I was recently involved in a verbal altercation while stopped in traffic at a red light. The other driver was driving erratically and swerving in and out of the lanes. When he started to veer into my lane (he appeared to be texting), I sounded my horn. While we both proceeded to the next intersection (light was red), he stopped short in his lane and began rolling down his window. Words were exchanged and he motioned for me to pull over in an aggressive manner. The next turn (after the light), was the entrance to my neighborhood. As I began to turn into my neighborhood, he positioned himself behind my vehicle and followed me in to the neighborhood. The last thing I wanted was this guy to follow me home so I pulled over to the right and stopped my vehicle. He pulled in right behind me and after 5 seconds made a U turn and drove away.

3 or 4 days later my wife received a phone call from a blocked number. The caller proceeded to ask my wife if she was the owner of "X Company" (I was driving a plain white work van registered in our company name with no logos whatsoever). She stated that she was and he began to explain the situation that had occurred at the red light. When she asked for his name and number to follow up on the situation, he became evasive and proceeded to let her know that he had "connections", threatened to bash the company via social media, and in a very intimidating manner told her that he was a disabled VET and "she didn't know what he has been through". Again she asked him how he was able to obtain our info and asked for a name and a number to follow up. He refused the to give her the info and again explained that he had "connections" and hung up.

Since then we have filed a complaint with our local police dept Internal Affairs Division. After 2 weeks of waiting for a report from the Richmond DMV to find out who and why our plates were ran, they simply let us know that it was not ran from "Their Department" and for a fee, we can contact the DMV to obtain that info.

It has now been almost a month. The Internal Affairs Dept does not seem to care even though this happened in their City. My wife is scared and concerned for her safety. Since this guy was able to obtain our Names, Address, and phone number, what other info does he have? How is it possible to find out who he is? Is it illegal for anyone with the ability to run someones license plates to pass that info to another person? What can we do? Thanks in advance.VA
Any number of agencies or organizations might have access to DMV information in one form or another. Assuming the caller obtained the registration information from your plate, you might have to contact the DMV to see if they can discover the source of the information. The local PD can only determine whether THEIR agency ran the information as they do not control the database. If they didn't, then their involvement is over and they lack the legal authority to proceed further.

And, yes, if the info was obtained via a government database and was passed along to a private party without any lawful purpose, then it could be a crime. But, first, you will need to find out from the DMV who ran the plate - if anyone.
Ok, after contacting the DMV and waiting for the report it has been determined that my plate was ran by a local Car Dealership. It appears that the guy from the original incident works there as the chief financial officer and ran the report. Were there any laws broken here? I have no idea how much personal information was obtained or what his intentions are. For the record he has not tried to make contact since the first call.
Ok, after contacting the DMV and waiting for the report it has been determined that my plate was ran by a local Car Dealership. It appears that the guy from the original incident works there as the chief financial officer and ran the report. Were there any laws broken here? I have no idea how much personal information was obtained or what his intentions are. For the record he has not tried to make contact since the first call.

We have NO authority to determine if laws were broken.
On the other hand, take your information to the local police or prosecutor and see what either of those entities have to say.
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You can report it to the police and see if they can determine if a crime was broken. If there is no further problem, it may be done and over, so even if nothing comes from a police report, it may be time to move on.
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