Salem, Oregon ,city code enforcement/citation

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my House was raided on a warrant a month and a half ago. The detective heading up the raid called in a code and health enforcement officer to the scene. My elec and water utilities had been shut off for months. Code enforcement officer kicked me out of my house. Says I can onl be there during daylight hours to clean and move. Anyone else fiund on proprty will be trerspassing and they will prosecute. The Salem police force deemed my House a known drug house last ur right fter I moved in. I have no drug history, and havonky beenrrested 1 time in my life. I'm now 43. I was issued a publi nuisanse citation and was supposed togo to municiple court for it. The dept. Has been parking on mystreet and pulling over nyone who iscoming or going from my House since the end of last year. Speaking badly of me and threatning to arrest them if seen near my House again. I have only lived there since oct. Of 2013. They hsvebeen to myhouse severaL times with and without warrants and I have always allowed them in my hom ti search for whoever they were looking for, always cooperative. They have arrested many people on warrants near my property and a few months ago on my property. Everfyone was released a few ours laster bcuz the chrges the warrant was for were dropped. I'm now homeless. I have til tomorrow to have asll posessions out of the House and all of the proprty up to code. Does this sound oddto you, any of this? They were calling me as squatter for months also, ipresented the code officer with the documents sent to me about te House in forclosure, am not the owner, just renter. House isgoin up for auction on oct.16, 2014. I was told the city wants to buy the proprty and turn it into a detective sub station!! Ironically, 4 blocks away is my old job where I was a onsite manager for 4 years. The building is as old nursing home that had benn revamped into a privaste home, the rentors had tgere rm. Plus the rest of House community. Shaeed common areas. Thecity shut it down and is kicvkin everyone out due to zoning and code issdues. I was told the city of salem is taking it from thge owner and will pay under maket value for the proprty, and can do so becsuse of some new law where city code is violated and they can legaslly obtain the property. I'm smelling something fishy here. Need help!!!!!!
Doesn't sound fishy to me at all. It seems you don't quite understand, or at least have a different perspective on the police actions, but it sounds normal.
It seems you better pack up and go before they force you out and you have no arrangements.
You we're (are) a tenant.
You probably hadn't paid rent because of the foreclosure.
Or, maybe you saw an opportunity and took advantage of a sweet situation.
To get you out, the city would have had to evict you; if you had exhibited a valid lease and your home was operating with utilities.
You made it easy to evict you or oust you by squatting and not maintaining utilities.
You made it easier by allowing the unsavory types to frequent your property.

If you had (have) a valid lease, you could pursue a remedy against the lawful owner.

If you could produce a valid lease, you might still have a remedy.
If you have a valid lease, contact the local legal aid.
They can guide or direct you.

Absent a valid lease, you're out of soap.

Only you know, and we aren't asking you to explain further.
You are free to ignore everything, or select useful nuggets to pursue.
Good luck.
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