Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse sales

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter Beverly Brown
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Beverly Brown

I was charged with 7 counts of HS11379(A) and prior allegations:PC668.5(B)
case also called for PC1275.1 Exam
This was a confidential informant, this woman was a friend of my landlord, the woman I rented a room from. She came to our house prior to, during and after the investigation of me and the charges. Both the C.I. and my landlord, would get high in the house, sometimes for hours. They smoked meth and weed, and drank. They were constantly asking me to get them something because they knew I used to sell drugs prior to serving a one year term for meth sales. They constantly harassed me to get them something and threatened me with the room I rented, family, etc. Finally to keep the peace, because I had no where else to stay, I got them something several times. The C.I. was constantly talking about her gang banger friends in the nearby town of Oceanside and how they would do anything for her with a single phone call. I thought to myself why don't they get her some drugs then. I was afraid of being homeless or that they would bother my family. I didn't know if what she was saying was true because I am not that familiar with gang members, etc.
The evidence they have are:
photos of me walking around a market parking lot
photos of me getting into my car
photos of the drugs she handed over to them after meeting with me
I am 60 years old and disabled, I will not survive another jail term. I don't have much money left. I have paid close to $20,000. in bail. There is also a new charge. I have been charged with sales again. This time is when I gave this guy who works down the street a ride. I was pulling out of the and drive way and he was walking by. He asked if I was going into town. I said yes and he asked for a ride. I said sure but I knew he was a user, and asked if he was holding anything because the cops have been stalking me since the last arrest and laying in wait for me and then pulling me over for no reason and detaing me for over an hour at a time. He said he had nothing. So he got in and about 2 blocks later the cops passed me on the street. I said here we go again. I looked in the rear view mirror and they were trying to turn around because its a narrow street. Meanwhile the guy I gave the ride to started freaking out saying stop, let me out. It had just gotten dark and the cops were still turning around, I asked him "what are you doing" "whats your problem" when this guy jumps out of the car and runs away. When they pulled me over, I wasnt worried because there was nothing in my car or on me. They searched everything and then began walking up and down the street looking on the ground. About twenty minutes later they return to the car with a few bags of meth. At first I thought they had planted this to bust me but then thought about the guy I gave the ride to and realized he must have tossed it when he got out of the car. So, they arrested me again.
The actual investigation happened last December-February and they just put the warrant out for me a month ago. Why wait that long if I am such a dangerous criminal.
Stop talking, plead not guilty, lawyer up, if you're broke, ask the court if you qualify for a public defender.

Grow a spine, learn to say NO, because being homeless is better than being in prison for selling drugs.

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