Sample law ?

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I remembered something about a "sample law" a few months ago searching the web concerning putting online screenshots from movies. Unfortunatly i could not find it anymore so i try to ask this forum about it.

Is a website allowed to put online a reasonable amount of screenshots taken from various movies ? and with a reasonable amount i mean a maximum of say 10 screenshots.

I am working on a website showing TV Guide information collected from freely obtainable information from the TV companies, but want to put, when i can some background information, some extra's online instead of the plain text.

I hope you can form an answer for my question ...
Is there really no-one who can answer this question ? Or is the whole Copyright Law so fuzzy that no-one really knows the answer for sure ? :confused:

The bottom-line of my question is : Can i use a few screenshots taken from movies and put them online on my website without having to pay unreasonable prices for or ask permission to use the screenshots ? :confused:
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