Premises Liability Scald from a broken hot water faucet

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I am a student who was at school working in a lab and used a rarely used sink to wash my hands. The hot water faucet blew off and started spraying hot water everywhere. I blocked the water with my hands while attempting to screw the faucet back on, severely burning my hands in the process. After seeking first aid, campus police called 911, and EMTs took me to the hospital at their request. I have 2nd degree burns on both palms and am in lots of pain. I will be following up with a burn doctor in a few days.

The sink was not labeled as being broken, there was no shut off valve below the sink, however it is generally not used. The sink, nor my using the sink was related in any way to the work that I was doing. I could have walked away instead of attempting to shut the valve, however there would have likely been tremendous damage to the lab and the building.

Is this something worth pursuing? I am not sure if I am liable, or it is the school? I have medical coverage, which paid for my emergency treatment, but I am in lots of pain, and will not have full use of my hands for a couple of weeks! I can't bike, drive,or exercise, and can barely type. I am not the type of person who is interested in suing people, but I think someone should be responsible for this, unless its just an accident or whatnot. ideas?
I suggest you speak to a couple of local personal injury lawyers.
I can't tell you what to say, but I can tell you, you've said too much.
Less is always more!
You're hurting any case you might have by saying too much.

See what those local lawyers have to say.

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You would not have received bad burns, had you not intentionally left your hands in the hot water. That was not an accident. If you are a grad student, you may be covered as an employee however.
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I agree that you've said too much or didn't say it the right way. Personally if I was using a sink and the faucet blew off, I'd probably put my hands up to block the hot water. I'm surprised the water was so hot to burn you that bad. I'd talk with a personal injury lawyer.
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