School fire drill-wheelchair'd son re-injured leg

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My 15 yr old son has been in a wheelchair for the past 2 weeks because of a broken leg. He has a cast from his toes to the top of his thigh. He is total non-weight-bearing on that leg. He can use crutches, but uses a wheelchair while in school because he can't get in/out of desks and for better mobility.

During a fire drill at his WV high school, he was asked by his teacher if he could get up the steps to exit the school (school has multiple levels, but is built on sloping ground, so lower level has stairs up to exit at rear, but is at ground level in front). He told his teacher that he didn't think that he could get up the stairs. The teacher told him to try to get out of his wheelchair and with some assistance of another student to hop up the stairs and out of the exit. While going up the stairs, he hit his casted leg and felt pain. He told his teacher and his wheelchair was brought outside. His pain subsided and he finished out his day at school.

When I found out about this during the evening, I called the principal to notify him of the injury. We called my son's orthopedic doctor to get medical advice. The doctor told us to bring him in the next afternoon for an xray. I notified the principal again of the injury that next morning (I take my son to school and take him inside in his wheelchair every day). I notified the principal that we have a doctor appointment to get his re-injured leg checked that afternoon.

The doctor xrayed and confirmed that the broken leg had been shifted from the original setting. The doctor wants to re-xray in 2 weeks to determine if the leg might need reset. I have notified the principal of this doctor report and next visit. The principal just doesn't seem to be too concerned.

My next step is going to be a meeting with the county school board superintendent.

There does not seem to be a documented, trained plan on getting a person in a wheelchair safely out of the building during an emergency. I have already contacted the state fire marshall about this issue.

Should the school pay for any additional doctor visits to follow up on this re-injury?

Should I pursue a negligence injury case against the school?
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