
Ashley ostr

New Member
A few years ago, 2015, I was introduced to the scram bracelet. Sure it helped me pay the price for my crime, allowed me to be home with my children, and even helped me stop drinking. It actually stopped me from being happy even years later. I now have drop foot. I can no longer run with, go certain places with my children. If I would had known the conveniences I would have stayed in jail the extra months. Unless u like to walk without falling being sober, or like to be happy... Do not try out the scram. It's not worth the long term concequenses.
Well let's see ... I didn't drive ... The driver got pulled over for not completing a stop, I get arrested for public intoxication, I was out of town. How dare me not drive myself while being impaired? How dare I be safe after leaving a wedding? U must have never been to one to understand.
Well let's see ... I didn't drive ... The driver got pulled over for not completing a stop, I get arrested for public intoxication, I was out of town. How dare me not drive myself while being impaired? How dare I be safe after leaving a wedding? U must have never been to one to understand.
I have no idea what you are talking about. You started this thread for unclear reasons. Did you just wish to piss and moan about your unfortunate experience with SCRAM? Did you have another question? If so...ask the question and please don't attack the volunteers of this site for not reading your mind. Thanks.

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