Section 8 Termination

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I am a senior citizen who is on the section 8 program for 3 years. Recently I submitted my annual re-certification papers. After submitting my documents I was sent a letter stating that I did not disclose all my income. I went in person to the section 8 office and was told that I'm receiving extra income from a business located in the Caribbean for the past 3 years. I found this strange, because wouldn't they have found this information 3 years ago? I live on the mainland of the U.S. This is not true. I only receive social security disability. I never had a business. I wasn't told much, and was only told the business name and that I would be reported to the fraud unit. No one (in section 8) wants to give me any answers about where or how this information was obtained. They said I have to request a hearing. I am disabled, and a senior citizen, and I have been worried about what will happen. I know I am innocent, but I was told I have to wait for a termination letter in the mail before I could request a hearing. What can I do? How could I prepare for the hearing? How can I prove I'm not getting money from anywhere but my social security income? I also checked my credit reports and they are fine, and also contacted social security and they found nothing about any extra income from a business, ect. I am waiting for a transcript of income from the IRS to see if anything shows, but I'm sure nothing will. I'm not sure if it's identity theft or a section 8 mistake. I will appreciate any help. Thank you!
It could be many things.

As you suppose, it's all some government mixup.

You'll have to wait and see what they try to tar & feather you with, before you plan your next steps.

Bottom line, if you're innocent, you need do nothing, because the truth will set you free!!

If there is a there there, then the same tactic applies, keep your mouth shut and deny, deny, deny!!!
You have it right, it is either a big mistake or identity theft. If it is the later it will be hard for you to clean up. Apply for your hearing and just tell them what you told us. Let us know what happens.
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