Here is the problem with this. . .
"If any secured loan payments or lease payments come due before your plan is confirmed
(typically home and automobile payments), you must make adequate protection payments
(minimum payments meant to protect the creditor's interest in the property) directly to the
secured lender or lessor - deducting the amount paid from the amount you would otherwise
pay to the trustee."
1. What website did you find this?
2. This is not a correct statement in many jurisdictions and, in fact, might be a minority view if it is a correct statement. For example, adequate protection payments are typically paid by the Chapter 13 Trustee for vehicle loans (not leases) out of the monthly Plan payment. Lease payments are paid by the debtor pursuant to 11 USC 365 with a pre petition default cured in the Plan. The going forward lease payment typically has nothing to do with a Plan payment.
3. In many jurisdictions, including mine (Arizona) conduit mortgage payments are typically disbursed by the Trustee before Plan Confirmation on a normal monthly basis since the Trustee is just a servicer for those payments. Vehicle payments on the other hand, with the exception of allowed adequate protection payments (1%/mo of the value - until Plan payments kick in - and only if the lender requests such payments - in my jurisdiction) are paid once the Plan is confirmed.