Security Deposit regarding "Renewing" lease, even though I AM NOT

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New Member
Apt in question is located in Los Angeles, CA

I had moved in with 3 classmates last September with a year long lease to live at the location while attending college. It was quite expensive due to the proximity of the college but as I at the time receiving Veteran's benefits I just used those checks for my rent. This past July two of my roommates "realized" they agreed for 2 new residents to move in August (last month, 1 month before our lease terminates). As I was fed up with the price and these two people's antics I pulled apartment searches around my full time job and moved into a new place in the last week of July.

These two roommates swore they would transfer the lease into the new people's names and deal with the security deposit issue. Well chalk another up to their antics as the month of SEPTEMBER is almost over (as would our original lease) and the lease has yet to be transferred to the new residents due to being "busy," they held no jobs and only attended part time summer school at this point. But that's besides the point.

The landlord refuses to pay the security deposit as the lease was "renewed." Though that's a huge stretch of the word considering half of the previous residents are not and never have been on the new lease. And tell me I must pursue my security deposit through the new residents. (This sounds completely wrong, as this would almost imply if we all finished the lease and new people move in that those residents would have to go after us for the security deposit, I did not sign a lease or have legal involvement with the new residents, so the landlord appears to be spouting useless crock).

Furthermore the landlord is saying we are only entitled to $500 (total) of the $1000 (total) security deposit due to damages for "the normal damages of the wear and tear of the apartment." And we should go after the two new residents for $125 each (myself and my other roommate that was required to vacate).

According to the CA Security Deposit Law 1950.5

(2) Return the portion of the security remaining after any
lawful deductions made under subdivision (e) to the tenant,
together with an accounting as provided in subdivision (f).
(h) Prior to the voluntary transfer of a landlord's interest in
a dwelling unit, the landlord shall deliver to the landlord's
successor in interest a written statement indicating the following:
(1) The security remaining after any lawful deductions are
(2) An itemization of any lawful deductions from any security

So I am entitled to a breakdown of these charges to my security deposit, in writing. So now it just seems that the previous roommates and the landlord are just jerking me around until I give up or just accept what is said, so can someone lead me right and explain to me what my rights are in this situation and what I should do to finally end my involvement with these people.
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What of the issue of being told I'm not getting the deposit/go after the new residents because the contract was renewed?
I'm missing something. Why does the landlord say the lease is "renewed?" Did you fail to give termination notice?
Termination notice wasn't needed, the contract wasn't terminated. It will run its full course Wednesday. They are calling it "renewed" because 2 of the previous roommates signed a new year long lease (I am not on this new lease) to continue renting the unit. The issue is the landlord will not pay my portion of security/have the 2 new roommates pay their share because the unit is considered a "renewed lease."

Is this making sense? "Bob" and I have payed and used the unit for the year that will be ending in 2 days time, but the other 2 roommates opted to stay with this landlord/unit and signed a new lease and replaced "Bob" and I. I can see both sides of this argument. The landlord doesn't want to release my deposit as they never had a chance to go in and clean and do normal move out procedures but I also don't want to just ignore this and have my deposit continue going for a unit I don't have an interest/lease in any longer.
Yes I totally understand now. Your landlord is still wrong. If the first lease, and therefore deposit, was in say four people's names then rolling that deposit over takes the signature of ALL FOUR PEOPLE. You can't renew with 2 and keep the security deposit. If ANY of the terms or parties change on the lease then it is not a renewed lease it is a new lease. So he must refund the security deposit.

Send him a certified letter that you give him 10 days to give you your portion of the deposit back or you will take him to court and he will also owe court costs. He loses that one every time. Good luck. Thanks for explaining.
Thank you so much, I already have scheduled an appointment with our campus lawyer, and I can put this certified letter to her as well.
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