Security Deposit

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New Member
I recently moved out of a shared apartment with my roomate and myself. Both of us on the lease. After several months of non rent or utilities payment by my roomate I decided to put in our 30 day notice after our lease was up. Upon hearing this news my roomate packed up and fled without a good bye. I was stuck cleaning up the apartment and paying off the remaining bills. I received our security deposit back from the apartment office and the check was made out to my roomate and myself. I asked the apartment office if they could make the check out to only me since I was the one who had originally put the deposit down, but they claimed they had to "legally" make the check out to the both of us since we were both on the lease. Unfortunatly no bank will cash the check without the both of us being present, which is impossible since my roomate left town and will not return phone calls or emails. The office refuses to help and says there is nothing they can do. How can I handle this situation and get my money back?
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