I put a security deposit on a house on 9/3 (1,600.00)the property was and is still currently being utilized as a real estate office. The owner agreed to install a kitchen and have the property ready by 10/1. On 9/15 I decided I didn't want to move to that location for several reasons. 1. I've been living in a hotel with my children for 2 weeks with most of our belongings in a UHaul truck (my previous home sold within 7 days and I had to be out rather quickly.) 2. the property uses propane heating system which I found carries about a $3,000.00 bill for the winter months. This I can not afford as the rent alone is 1600.00. I phoned the landlord who is still using the property as her office and hasn't moved out at all, in addition she has said she hasn't even started the kitchen work yet. She claims she is keeping my security deposit if she can not rent the house by 10/1. Is this legal? She deposited my check on 9/5 into her personal account, aren't security deposits suppose to be put in an Escrow account, not her personal account. Being a single mother with 2 children who has spent the last two weeks and about $800 on hotels and uhaul fees doesn't have 1600$ to just toss aside... Does she have the right to keep my deposit considering she's done nothing to prepare to move or make the house even habitable? Please Advise!