security deposit

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New Member
I had a tenant move out and she is asking for her full security depoist back 895.00 but these are the things that went wrong while she was there
1)she didnt take care of the yard i paid 300.00 for the yard service
2) she put a hole in the wall but she fix it but still it not right
3) had a cleaning person to come in to clean up the kitchen and re wax the floor to the standard as it was when she moved in
4 broke a door stopper off and another little hole in the wall got that fix
5) she had a year lease but was only there for 6 months but she did give a 30 day notice
Did the lease allow this tenant to break her lease with just a 30 day notice?

If not, she would owe your rent for the months remaining on the lease or until you were able to rerent the unit (unless there were special circumstances; for example, she was active duty military and received transfer orders).

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